Apex Community Aid (ACAiD) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization. Our main purpose is to build the capacity of communities to promote their total well-being. Thus, we strive to work with people and communities to promote healthier behaviors that lead to effective control and prevention of diseases such as Malaria, TB, Hepatitis, HIV, and AIDS which plague our communities.



Our mission is to eradicate prevalent health and social conditions plaguing community through providing accessibility to information and support. We strive to assist people in making healthy choices to improve their lives and their communities at large.


Our vision is to see an informed, healthy and empowered society making meaningful contributions to national development.


The objectives of ACAiD is to:

1. Improve accessibility to information and proper health care by pregnant women.

2. Train mothers on the management of childhood illnesses.

3. Provide health and nutrition support to children under 5 years.

4. Provide counselling services, reproductive health education, skills training and ‘back to school’ support for young mothers.

5. Support children born by vulnerable young mothers through their formative years.

6. Organise seminars, symposiums and training on sexual and reproductive health issues for the youth.

7. Promote positive behavioural change among individuals, families and societies towards persons living/affected with chronic conditions like HIV and AIDS.

8. Create public awareness and provide preventive/management measures on diseases like malaria, cholera, bilharzia etc. through health educational activities.

9. Research and address community-based social issues that impede the holistic development of community members.



All our activities revolve around the unadulterated Word of God. Thus, we are committed to ensuring all our approaches and services are based on Biblical principles. We are also committed to serving humanity with dignity and respect.

Team Spirit

We work together as one team with other professionals who serve as resource persons, contract workers, and volunteers. We are one big family who share ideas and help each other grow personally and professionally. We are a family passionate to make a positive impact on humanity.


We believe healthy relationships are based on honesty and transparency. Thus, we ensure that partners, employees, stakeholders and the people we serve are open to the policies and affairs of the organization except with information that we are obliged to keep in private. We also build trust by respecting everyone’s privacy and keeping their personal information confidential when needed.


We strongly desire to see the world become a better place for all people especially women and children. We are therefore determined to work hard and offer best innovations and solutions to improve the well-being of all persons.